onsdag den 22. september 2010

Nej vi fatter ikke selv hvor hjernevaskede vi er

"Fire ben godt, to ben dårligt." og "alle dyr er lige, men nogle er mere lige end andre":
Kammerat Napoleon var og er lige i øjet, religioner, også politiske, er altid gennemvædet af dobbeltmoral, når hjernen er fuld af inkonsistens, tømmes tåbelighedsblæren som ramt af inkontinens.

De hader ikke Israel, ifølge dem selv, men synes selv de har proportionerne på plads - i virkeligheden har deres hjerner ikke udviklet, siden de sidst blev hjernevasket af marxisterne, der ihærigt på KGBs foranledning forsøgte at rejse verdenen mod USA, genne proxybevægelser og den islamiske verden mod Israel, gennem proxy terroristbevægelser som PLO.

Arven fra dette religiøse idioti skal vi kæmpe længe med. For det er stadig in, at være marxist og de fleste er så dumme og krysteragtige, at de lader disse demagogiske røde præster diktere deres tro.

"But accepting as genuine the petitioners' stated goal of seeking social justice in the Middle East, I thought it fitting to contact the signatories of the Lloyd petition to offer them yet another opportunity to express their commitment to social justice in the region, this time by endorsing a Statement of Concern regarding human rights abuses practiced against gays and lesbians and against women in general in many of the Middle Eastern countries, including the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority. The idea was really uncomplicated: Since they expressed a concern about social injustice in Israel, they might also be willing to express their concern about human rights abuses practiced against women, gays, and lesbians in other parts of the Middle East.
The detailed material for this Statement of Concern was gathered from sources as widespread as U.N. agencies, survey research units, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, scholarly journals, and social justice-related NGOs such as Asylum-Law and Human Rights Watch...

Here are the findings. Only thirty of the 675 "self-described social-justice seeking academics" responded, 27 of them agreeing to endorse the Statement. But these 27 signatories represent less than five percent of the 675 contacted. In other words, 95 percent of those who had signed the Lloyd petition censuring Israel for human rights violation did not sign a statement concerning discrimination against women and gays and lesbians in the Middle East.

Surprised? If so, prepare for yet a bigger surprise. As many as 25 percent of the Lloyd petition-signing academics were faculty associated with gender and women studies departments. Yet of these, only 5 endorsed the Statement calling for attention to the discrimination against women in the Muslim countries of the Middle East. Put more bluntly, 164 of the 169 faculty who had chosen to focus their life's work on matters affecting women, and who felt comfortable enough to affix their names to Lloyd's petition censuring Israel, chose not to sign a Statement of Concern about documented human rights violations against gays, lesbians, and women in the Middle East.

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