mandag den 11. maj 2009

EU uncensored

Før jeg fik min blog, samlede jeg masser af interessante informationer på min harddisk, eller i dokumenter.

Da jeg ledte efter linket til en gammel rapport, faldt jeg tilfældigvis over denne her.

Det bliver muligvis, eller lignende, et historisk dokument en dag i fremtiden, når man skal vurdere, hvad der gik galt dengang i slutningen af sidste årtusinde og begyndelsen af dette?
Når man skal ind og fange tidsånden.

En elitær dårskab og arrogance uden lige.

(Kahn kommisionen rapport som er nedenstående ledte på sigt til oprettelsen af
"European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. ")

Jeg vil lade nEU-sproget tale for sig selv:

EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 23 May 1995 (26.05)
from: Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia
to :Permanent Representatives Committee/General Affairs Council
Subject: Activities of the Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia
– Final Report

The Consultative Commission was instructed to "make recommendations, geared as far as possible to national and local circumstances, on cooperation between governments and the various social bodies in favour of encouraging tolerance, understanding and harmony with foreigners".
The Consultative Commission on Racism and Xenophobia has met regularly since
September 1994 under the chairmanship of Mr Jean KAHN. Observers from the European
Parliament and the Council of Europe have taken part in the Commission's discussions...

The Europe of Fifteen is now faced with a new threat, sixty years after it was plunged into barbarism by fascism, racism and anti-semitism.
Racism and xenophobia are again killing and wounding people in Europe, arousing anxiety and fear. The victims are mainly foreigners from outside or inside Europe, but also national citizens from minority groups...

(b)Existing educational and youth programmes in the European Union should be used in the best possible way to meet the needs of ethnic minority groups, including third country nationals resident in the European Union. These programmes could also be used when appropriate to counteract racism and xenophobia.

(c)The European Parliament has repeatedly pointed out the importance of education in the
construction of harmonious societies with equal opportunities for everyone. Young people would learn to associate with each other in reciprocal respect for each other's diversity and with mutual loyalty.

(d)All Member States recognize that one of the reasons for the growing racism and the growing
number of instances of racial discrimination in Europe is the lack of acceptance of and respect for human dignity and for cultural and religious diversity.

Education must strive to reflect a multi-cultural society. The school curricula in social sciences, language training, history, geography, philosophy and religion especially must reflect a society open to other cultures. It is of crucial importance that schoolbooks do not have an ethnocentric message. The school should increase the understanding of the different
qualifications and cultural backgrounds that the various individuals bring along. Experience has shown that exhibitions, theatre, films, videos, etc. could be used as relevant teaching

Many people are unaware of their prejudice against foreigners and immigrants. Therefore the public must be continually and objectively informed and educated about the various aspects of a multicultural society.

The Consultative Commission demands that the governments of the EU Member States carry out regular and comprehensive information and education campaigns on these issues.

The European Union is being flooded with extreme right-wing and xenophobic propaganda material!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mine udråbstegn og så lige min ROFLMAO - Det er jo så langt ude i hampen, hvor er flodbegrebet af udbredelsen af terrormanualer i dag, eller radikal muslimsk propaganda - nå nej det er jo et lille mindretalsproblem)

In this connection the Consultative Commission also suggests that more effective instruments of voluntary self-regulation be set up within the advertising industry to allow consumers to present allegations of discrimination in a swift and unbureaucratic fashion.

Apropos begrebet "voluntary self regulation", så er der en tv sekvens med Goebbels der taler til tyske journalister på et tidspunkt i trediverne, der har brændt sig totalt ind i min hukommelse. Der roser han dem for at have opført sig så pænt og skrevet så pænt om hans parti, at han aldrig har haft grund til at gribe ind over for deres pressefrihed.

Since the advertising industry develops and places its advertisements on the basis of that research, it is especially important that immigrants households be researched as well.
This would soon lead to more immigrants being shown in advertising and thus to a more accurate portrayal of reality.

A sensitive choice of wording and informed tolerance demand a good journalistic training. Particularly in a career such as journalism, which lacks entry criteria, basic and further training are given by numerous groups and associations. This continuous learning process has a moulding effect on the views of opinion-makers. The daily questioning of swiftly-formed prejudice is indispensable for the development of critical analysis in journalism.

The Consultative Commission accordingly calls upon publishers' and journalists' associations, as well as TV and radio networks, to place emphasis in their training programmes upon the promotion of tolerance and acceptance of minorities and the fight against racism and xenophobia. A well-founded journalistic training in this field is an important factor in creating a Europe of solidarity. Sensitive treatment of reports on racism and xenophobia is a prerequisite for a more harmonious coexistence in our modern society. For this reason training must be practical; it should, for example, apart from teaching basic journalistic theory, include regular practical training periods with associations and NGOs concerned with the immigrant issue.

The European Journalism Centre, taking previous national work and experience into consideration, is encouraged to elaborate a handbook for journalists' daily use and as teaching material; the issues of immigrants, asylum law, xenophobia, social exclusion and racism would be clearly set out, especially for journalists working for local newspapers. This handbook must combine topical practical aspects with useful information and serve as a practical guidebook for day-to-day journalism.

(Komm(un)is(t)ionens den lille blå bog?) Jeg er chokeret.

The Consultative Commission calls upon the European journalists' and publishers' associations and those national associations which have already agreed on guidelines for ethical reporting to encourage those countries which do not yet have one to establish such a code of conduct through their national association as an instrument of voluntary self-regulation.

Taking sanctions against bad examples is only one side of the coin. Positive examples, above all, play a stimulating role.

The Consultative Commission requests that the European Commission continue to support the European Institute for the Media and that the latter be expanded by creating a separate department for media monitoring specializing in racism, xenophobia, foreigners and immigrants. The analyses of media monitoring should be regularly published.

Hvad med en for EU politikere?

1.Individual Member States should introduce measures to make racial discrimination in employment unlawful.

These measures should protect both applicants and employees. Conduct which constitutes racial discrimination should include:

(a)direct discrimination – treating a person less favourably on "racial grounds", for example, on the grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins;

(b)indirect discrimination – practices which are discriminatory in their effect on a particular racial group, and cannot be shown to be justified;

(c)the victimization of a person for asserting his/her rights under the legislation should also be unlawful.

2.These provisions should allow for an aggrieved individual to make a complaint to a tribunal or court. After a prima facie case has been established by the employee, the burden of proof would shift to the employer.

Hvilket uafvendeligt vil give ansætteren en meget dårlig retsstilling.

–there should be specific offences of Holocaust-denial and the trivialisation of other crimes against humanity;

Uhm, som foreksempel muslimernes store massakrer og sharia.

Læs endelig hele rapporten, hvis i kan holde det ud.

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