En af de mest graverende påstande i rapporten, er at Israel ikke gik ind i Gaza på grund af at Israel blev bombet med raketter, men for at ramme civilbefolkningen.
Dette er dybt kritisabelt, og en direkte fordomsfuld motivanalyse, for Israel turde ikke engang satse på at knække Hamas, efter det mislykkedes med Hizbollah, som forblev stort set intakt.
De håbede på at svække Hamas, Men at påstå at de gik ind for at ramme civilbefolkningen, er dog en vanvittig anklage. Tværtimod frygtede man at styrke Hamas, som Hizbollah, og den debat gik i høje bølger før konflikten.
Påstanden er intet mindre end absurd.
Honestreportings svar:
The Goldstone Report states: "While the Israeli Government has sought to portray its operations as essentially a response to rocket attacks in the exercise of its right to self defence, the Mission considers the plan to have been directed, at least in part, at a different target: the people of Gaza as a whole…deeds by Israeli forces and words of military and political leaders prior to and during the operations indicate that as a whole they were premised on a deliberate policy of disproportionate force aimed not at the enemy but at the 'supporting infrastructure.' In practice, this appears to have meant the civilian population."
So why did the IDF drop thousands of warning leaflets, make over 200,000 telephone warnings to Palestinian civilians, abort missile strikes to prevent civilian casualties, open a field clinic for Palestinians on the Gaza border, and transfer tons of humanitarian aid during the conflict?
Videre om uafhængigheden af rapporten:
- It was clear that one out of the four members of the Goldstone Mission, Professor Christine Chinkin, had already made up her mind, having signed a letter before the conflict had even ended, clearly stating that Israel's actions in Gaza amounted to "war crimes" and that Palestinian rocket attacks were not significant enough for Israel to exercise her right to self-defense...
The mandate (HRC Resolution S-9/1) for the fact-finding mission was "to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying Power, Israel, against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, due to the current aggression" -- already determining that Israel had committed "violations of international human rights law " before the investigation even began. Additionally, the Resolution determined that Israel caused " massive violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people and systematic destruction of Palestinian infrastructure" while demanding that Israel "stop the targeting of civilians and medical facilities and staff and the systematic destruction of the cultural heritage of the Palestinian people, in addition to the destruction of public and private properties." This, too, before any investigation even took place.
Time and again, Palestinian "eyewitnesses" and non-governmental organizations have been proven to be unreliable, giving unverifiable evidence.
Judge Goldstone has a long association with Human Rights Watch, even serving on its board until removing himself when it was pointed out that remaining with HRW would be inappropriate. Yet he cites HRW sources in the Report, including material by the Nazi memorabilia collecting Marc Garlasco, who is currently suspended by HRW pending an investigation. Some of the Palestinian witnesses heard by the mission were actually Hamas operatives directly involved in terrorism. One such witness, Mohammed Fuoad Abu Askar of Jebaliyeh, was actually a senior Hamas operative who used his house to store arms and ammunition, which lead to the IDF strike against the structure
Under Gazakonflikten gik Hamas ud og sagde, at over halvdelen af de dræbte var børn og kvinder.
De rigtige tal kommer vi aldrig i nærheden af, for de som styrer Gaza, er ikke interesseret i det.
De er interesseret i at sælge ethvert angreb fra Israel som en massakre.
IDF har ikke mulighed for at undersøge det ordentligt, omend de har styr på, hvem der tilhører militante organisationer.
Her er fra Wiki om deres "undersøgelse":
In January 2009, the Palestinian Ministry of Health, a Gaza governmental office (PMoH), put death toll at total of 1,324 Gazans killed, of which most were civilians.[228] The PMoH stated that 437 children under the age of 16, 110 women, 123 elderly men, 14 medics, and four journalists were among those killed. The wounded include 1,890 children and 200 people in serious condition.[229] As of 5 February, the MoH total was revised to 1,440 Palestinians dead, 431 children and 114 women, a rise attributed by the MoH to delays by people in officially registering the deaths of family members due to the conflict. Those who died due to a lack of access to regular health care were not included in these figures.[230]
In March, the PCHR put the death toll at 1,417, of which 926 were civilian, 236 were combatants and 255 were members of the Palestinian security forces. According to PCHR, out of 926 civilians and non-combatants, there are 116 women and 313 minors under 18.[231] The organization has also posted a list of the victims detailing their names, ages, jobs, place of residence, and time and place of the attacks that killed them
In September, Israeli-human rights group B'Tselem published figures based on its own research. B'Tselem says that total number of 1,382 Palestinians were killed, of whom 320 were minors, 111 women over the age of 16, 325 took part in the hostilities and 245 were Palestinian officers, most of whom were killed in IAF aerial bombings of police stations on the first day of the war.Der er links til flere modsigelser af Goldberg rapporten på Honestreporting i bunden af artiklen:
An IDF report on March 26, 2009 listed 1,166 Palestinian fatalities, of which 295 were identified as civilians.[13] According to IDF, out of 295 Palestinian non-combatants, there are 89 under the age of 16 and 49 women[13] The IDF report stated that at least 709 of the deaths were members of a militant organization, including police.[13] Additional 162 Palestinian men were listed by IDF as "unaffiliated," meaning that those names have not been attributed to any militant group
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