onsdag den 5. august 2009

Pakistan - verdens terrorstat nummer 1

I internationale medier og i Washington, opererer man ikke ikke længere med krigen i Afghanistan, som en selvstændig konflikt, men som AFPAK, eller som nogle vil sige, PAKAF, for det største problem ligger i Pakistan, hvor Taleban og Al Qaida i dag har hovedbase.

I de næste dage, vil jeg lave en serie artikler om Pakistan. Denne første artikel vil fokusere på
Abu Alal Maududi - hovedfaderen til radikal islam i Pakistan og i øvrigt også en ideologisk vigtig brik for radikal Islam - eller neo-politisk, jihad aktivistisk, Islam - på globalt plan.

Senere artikler vil fokusere på Aghanistan/Pakistan konflikten historisk. Pakistans stærke støtte til Taleban, da de vandt magten i Afghanistan og den fortsatte støtte op til i dag, hvor store dele af Pakistans militære elite holder hånden over Taleban, samt aktivt hjælper dem.
Ligeledes vil der blive et fokus på relationen mellem Saudiarabien og Pakistan og spredningen af Wahhabisme. Samt fokus på radikal Islam i Pakistan i dag.

Pakistan er en kompleks stat, som på den ene side har valgt en kvinde, Benazir Bhutto, som var en sekulær og demokratisk til leder, som på den anden side huser et betragteligt antal radikale muslimer, er hovedsæde for Al Qaida. De fleste nutidige terrorplots og angreb har direkte links til Pakistan.

Hvad der er knap så kendt, er at der er tegn på at personer fra Pakistans efterretningstjeneste deltog direkte i planlægningen og finansieringen af 9/11, men mere om det i en senere artikel.

Maududi blev født i 1903 i Indien og døde i 1979 i Pakistan, hvor en million mennesker deltog i hans begravelsesoptog.

Han skrev sin første bog som 13 årig og skrev allerede i en alder af en 24 år sin første "blockbuster" bog om Islam.
I 1941 oprettede han sit parti Jamaat-e-Islami, (JI): Et parti med en hård kerne af kadrer, inspireret af bolchevismen og som i øvrigt var en vigtig inspirationskilde for det Islamiske broderskabs hovedideolog Sayyid Qutb. Der hældte til nødvendigheden af samme Islamistiske avantgarde.
Ligeledes blev hans idéer om revolutionær Islam, flittigt læst af Ayatollah Khomenei, som udlevede han idéer i Iran. Omvendt var Maududi inspireret af Hassan -al -Banna, som stiftede det Muslimske Broderskab.

Organisationen var og er primært en politisk organisation, som så vidt muligt uden vold skulle udbrede Islam til hele verden, oprette Sharia, hvilket er kernekriteriet for en islamisk stat i deres øjne.
Maududi ønskede allerede Sharia indført ved Pakistans oprettelse i 1947, men fandt ikke klangbund for denne idé.

JI er et aktivistisk parti og kunne på sig højdepunkt mobilisere 2 millioner mennesker til demostrationer. I dag er det blot et Islamistisk parti i mængden.

Maududis filosofi:

Som Marx, der betragtede det kommunistiske samfund som det naturgivne og verdslig, vestlig civilisation som en kunstig konstruktion, så Maududi hele verden naturligt muslimsk. Ikke blot mennesket, hele universet, fra hans bog "Towards understanding Islam":

In Short, ours is a law-governed universe and everything in it is following the course that has been ordained for it. This powerful, all-pervasive law, which governs all that comprises the universe, from the tiniest specks of dust to the magnificent galaxies in high heavens, is the law of God, the creator and ruler of the universe. As the entire creation obeys the law of God, the whole universe, therefore, literally follows the religion of Islam-for Islam signifies nothing but obedience and submission to Allah, the Lord of the universe. The sun, the moon, the earth, and all other heavenly bodies are thus ‘Muslim’. So is the case with air, water, and heat, stones, trees, and animals. Everything in the universe is ‘Muslim’ for it obeys God by submission to his laws. Even a man who refuses to believe in God, or offers his worship to someone other than Allah has perforce to be a ‘Muslim’ as far as his bodily existence is concerned. For his entire life, from the embryonic stage to the body’s dissolution info dust after death, and every tissue of his muscles and every limb of his body follow the course prescribed for each by God’s law. His very tongue which, on account of his ignorance, advocates the denial of God or professes multiple deities, is in its very nature a ‘Muslim’.
Og på alle verdens problemer fandtes der i hans optik kun et eneste svar - Islam!

This is Islam, the natural religion of man, the religion, which is not associated with any person, people, period, or place. It is the way of nature, the religion of man. In every age, in ever country, and among every people, all God-knowing and truth-loving men have believed and lived this very religion. They were all Muslim, irrespective of the fact whether they called that way Islam or anything else. Whatever is name was, it signified Islam and nothing but Islam.
Dette er blandt hvad Bernard Lewis mener, med at moderne radikal Islam har taget en ny retning, kraftigt præget af Kommunismen og Nazismen i dette århundrede. hvilket ikke skal forveksles med at militant og aktivistisk Islam er et nyt fænomen, det er det ikke.

Som i læste tidligere, foretrækker JI at bruge fredelige aktivistiske midler. Men har brugt voldelige midler og støttet jihad i Kashmir.

Maududi, derimod, afviste ikke brugen af vold. Centralt i hans lære var doktrinet Jihad, med alt hvad det indbefatter:

"'Islam is a revolutionary doctrine and system that overturns governments. It seeks to overturn the whole universal social order...and establish its structure anew...Islam seeks the world. It is not satisfied by a piece of land but demands the whole universe...Islamic Jihad is at the same time offensive and defensive...The Islamic party does not hesitate to utilize the means of war to implement its goal.'"
I hans meget respekterede kommentar til koranen. Om sura 9 i koranen skriver han følgende:

If we keep in view the preceding background, we can easily find out the problems that were confronting the Community at that time. They were:

  1. to make the whole of Arabia a perfect Dar-ul-Islam,

  2. to extend the influence of Islam to the adjoining countries,

  3. to crush the mischiefs of the hypocrites, and

  4. to prepare the Muslims for Jihad against the non- Muslim world.


In order to enable the Muslims to extend the influence of Islam outside Arabia, they were enjoined to crush with sword the non- Muslim powers and to force them to accept the sovereignty of the Islamic State. As the great Roman and Iranian Empires were the biggest hindrances in the way, a conflict with them was inevitable. The object of Jihad was not to coerce them to accept Islam they were free to accept or not to accept it-but to prevent them from thrusting forcibly their deviations upon others and the coming generations. The Muslims were enjoined to tolerate their misguidance only to the extent that they might have the freedom to remain misguided, if they chose to be so, provided that they paid Jizyah (v. 29) as a sign of their subjugation to the Islamic State.


In order to prepare the Muslims for Jihad against the whole non-Muslim world, it was necessary to cure them even of that slight weakness of faith from which they were still suffering. For there could be no greater internal danger to the Islamic Community than the weakness of faith, especially where it was going to engage itself single-handed in a' conflict with the whole non-Muslim world. That is why those people who had lagged behind in the Campaign to Tabuk or had shown the least negligence were severely taken to task, and were considered as hypocrites if they had no plausible excuse for not fulfilling that obligation. Moreover, a clear declaration was made that in future the sole criterion of a Muslim's faith shall be the exertions he makes for the uplift of the Word of Allah and the role he plays in the conflict between Islam and kufr. Therefore, if anyone will show any hesitation in sacrificing his life, money, time and energies, his faith shall not be regarded as genuine.

Jihad og Sharia er for Maududi og de fleste islamister centralt, meget centralt, her Mawdudi igen:

"'Islam wants the whole earth and does not content itself with only a part thereof. It wants and requires the entire inhabited world. It does not want this in order that one nation dominates the earth and monopolizes its sources of wealth, after having taken them away from one or more other nations. No, Islam wants and requires the earth in order that the human race altogether can enjoy the concept and practical program of human happiness, by means of which God has honoured Islam and put it above the other religions and laws. In order to realize this lofty desire, Islam wants to employ all forces and means that can be employed for bringing about a universal all-embracing revolution. It will spare no efforts for the achievement of this supreme objective. This far-reaching struggle that continuously exhausts all forces and this employment of all possible means are called jihad.'"
I 1970 erne indtog JI i stigende grad vigtige pladser i det Pakistanske militær og i efterretningstjenesten ISI via infiltration. Og var en vigtig faktor i de uroligheder som ledte til Ali Bhuttos fald i 1977. Hvor en Islamisk general og beundrer af Maududi , Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, overtog magten (1977-1988). Han indskriver jihad i Pakistans konstitution og begynder at sponsorere jihad i både Kasmir og Afghanistan. Til dette formål kontakter han Saudi Arabien for at få økonomisk og principiel støtte.
Kræver de sender en saudiarabisk prins for at bekræfte deres dedikation.

I stedet sender de en ung mand ved navnet Osama Bin Laden.

USA var allerede involvereti Afghanistan før Russerne gik ind, fordi regimet var kommunistisk. Relationen mellem Pakistan og USA havde et kort brud mellem 1979 og 1981 hvor støtten ophørte, på grund af Pakistans udvikling af A våben, indtil nyvalgte Reagan genoptog støtten og udvidede den, for at styrke kampen mod Sovjet.


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