søndag den 20. december 2009

FN kan altså ikke kun på klimaområdet

De kan sandelig også på demografi området. Hvem kunne ellers finde på at i ramme alvor skrive dette:

In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, the European Union would need 701 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 12.7 million per year. Also, as under scenario IV, the irregularities in the age structure of the population would cause fluctuations in the annual number of migrants required to keep the potential support ratio constant. The peak levels would be attained in 2030-2035, with 20.3 million net immigrants per year. By 2050, out of a total population of 1.2 billion, 918 million, or about 75 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.
Det lyder da lige præcis som det Europa, jeg gerne vil leve i. For at ikke mangle noget som pensionist.

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