mur bygget i ægte DDR beton ( Lars Pilegård ), eller en pæn, mors dreng, med lyseblå fantasibriller på.
Debatten foregår her og cadeau til dem som gider at rulle den runde sten op af bjerget som Sisofys.
Men Raapilen postulerer i stride strømme og den her, kan jeg ikke helt holde mig fra:
I tager fejl, WJ, Snarup og Afskafskatten. Det var naturligvis ikke koran eller jihad der motiverede islamisterne der angreb USA, men de ting, Osama bin Laden har nævnt utallige gange:Og så finder Raapil de citater frem, som lige præcis bekræfter hans påstand, nemlig Osamas lange remse om alle de steder hvor muslimer bliver dræbt og forfulgt.
USAs støtte til Israel, Israels krige i Libanon og Palæstina, USAs krige i Irak og Afghanistan osv. At I forsøger at overhøre det, det kan jeg godt forstå, for det er eneste mulighed i har for at få ret i jeres overfladiske fis om koranen.
Læs noget historie - især Torben Snarup Hansen, der dog har visse formelle forudsætninger for at forstå og tolke historiske begivenheder. Ikke at han bruger dem særlig flittigt, men vi kan jo alle blive klogere.
Raapil har netop ikke læst mere Bin Laden, end lige det der passede i hans kram. Så lad os lige få noget mere på banen:
Henvisning til netop Koranen af Bin Laden!
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,
"Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory" [Quran 22:39]
"Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. Satan). So fight you against the friends of Satan; ever feeble is indeed the plot of Satan."[Quran 4:76]
Begge vers er symbolske for den klassiske og stadig gældende Islamisk lære om Jihad, den historie han anklager andre for at ikke have læst - for dem som tør slagte en betonmur, det vil Pilegård helt sikkert ikke, så er der rigeligt med læsestof her under taggen JIHAD, med videre links om fænomenet. Denne post vil stå øverst så hop bare videre til næste.
Det første KORAN vers dækker defensiv Jihad. Når Osama Bin Laden er så glad for defensiv Jihad, skyldes det at pligten til denne er individuel, den påhviler alle duelige muslimer.
Det andet koran citat drejer sig om offensiv Jihad. Pligten til denne er kollektiv, den påhviler et udsnit af muslimerne, et udsnit som Osama Bin Laden med flere definitivt har tilsluttet sig, ikke blot som aktive "hvor de er under angreb og undertrykt" Men også hvor de angriber og undertrykker - Sudan til eksempel, som Osama Bin Laden også lige får nævnt sammen med alt det andet:
Så er det man må spørge, en mand som ser Islam under angreb i Sudan og Somalia, hvordan kan man undgå at angribe Islam i hans optik?They felt that the truth started to reach the American people, the truth that we are not terrorists as they understand it but because we are being attacked in Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, Kashmir, the Philippines and everywhere else. They understood the truth that this is a reaction from the youth of the Muslim nation against the British government.
Men lad os fortsætte med den 1996 fatwa, eller krigerklæring mod USA, som Osama Bin Laden udsendte dengang, som er den Råpilen hurtigt har kastet et blik på og fundet det han ønskede. Den fortsætter jo noget længere, den er lang og kringlet, salvelsesfuld og jeg kan godt forstå, hvis man ikke gider at nærlæse den.
Man skal bare ikke beskylde andre for at ikke have gjort feltarbejdet, når det er en selv, som ikke har gjort det.
Osama Siger blandt andet:
Her henviser han til dengang Islam var still going strong og kunne føre fysisk Jihad langt ind hjertet af Europa, langt ud i Asiens afkroge, Dengang Khalifatet var jordens ubetinget største magt. Altså det historiske "fis" med koranen og hadith.
And after a long absence, imposed on the scholars (Ulama) and callers (Da'ees) of Islam by the iniquitous crusaders movement under the leadership of the USA; who fears that they, the scholars and callers of Islam, will instigate the Ummah of Islam against its' enemies as their ancestor scholars-may Allah be pleased with them- like Ibn Taymiyyah and Al'iz Ibn Abdes-Salaam did.
Han er meget fokuseret på Saudi Arabien, som de to moskéers land - Mekka og Medina - et land som i følge traditionen, alle vantro skulle udvises fra, så der ingen anden religion er end Islam.
Osama anfører som første årsag hvorfor:
(1) "Suspension of the Islamic Shari'ah law and exchanging it with man made civil law. "Anden:
(2)The inability of the regime to protect the country, and allowing the enemy of the Ummah - the American crusader forces- to occupy the land for the longest of years.
Så siger han om Palæstina:
If the followers of Moses have been promised a right to Palestine in the Torah, then the Muslims are the most worthy nation of this. When the Muslims conquered Palestine and drove out the Romans, Palestine and Jerusalem returned to Islaam, the religion of all the Prophets peace be upon them. Therefore, the call to a historical right to Palestine cannot be raised against the Islamic Ummah that believes in all the Prophets of AllahIgen en klassiker, men en svær en at formidle, det drejer sig om selve Israels eksistens, den er problemet, ikke den manglende Palæstinensiske stat. Den position deler han med Hamas, det Islamiske Broderskab, Hezbollah og øvrige islamister. skal det gentages for særligt fatsvage?
Jeg husker det nu som helt omvendt, men korrekt amerikanske tropper var i landet i et forsøg på at bevare freden, så fødeforsyning og andre civile ordentlige forhold kunne genopstå.
You attacked us in Somalia
Om Islamisk lov:
Taleban speaking, men ønsket om sharia, er ikke uden grund en fast bestanddel af Islam også i vesten, delvist eller helt. Endnu en reference til koranen.
it is not a secret that to use man made law instead of the Shari'a and to support the infidels against the Muslims is one of the ten "voiders" that would strip a person from his Islamic status (turn a Muslim into a Mushrik, non believer status). The All Mighty said: {and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are the unbelievers} (Al-Ma'ida; 5:44), and {but no! by your Lord! they do not believe (in reality) until they make you a judge of that which has become a matter of disagreement among them, and then do not find the slightest misgiving in their hearts as to what you have decided and submit with entire submission} (An-Nissa; 4:65).
Om Jihad i udvidet defensiv forstand, hvilket er det han plæderer her for det drejer sig stadig primært om Saudi Arabien, Islams hjerte.
Ibn Taymiyyah , after mentioning the Moguls (Tatar) and their behaviour in changing the law of Allah, stated that: the ultimate aim of pleasing Allah, raising His word, instituting His religion and obeying His messenger (ALLAH'S BLESSING AND SALUTATIONS ON HIM) is to fight the enemy, in every aspects and in a complete manner; if the danger to the religion from not fighting is greater than that of fighting, then it is a duty to fight them even if the intention of some of the fighter is not pure i.e . fighting for the sake of leadership (personal gain) or if they do not observe some of the rules and commandments of Islam. To repel the greatest of the two dangers on the expense of the lesser one is an Islamic principle which should be observed. It was the tradition of the people of the Sunnah (Ahlul-Sunnah) to join and invade- fight- with the righteous and non righteous men.
Han fortsætter herefter med at citere koranen, hvordan man ikke kan tillade polyteisme, renter og hvordan det foregår nær de mest hellige steder i form af menneskeskabte love og vestlig økonomi.
Det er selvfølgelig en ekstra radikal fortolkning af koranen, men Raapilen vil jo gerne derhen, hvor Osama er inspireret af alt andet end koranen, hvilket bestemt ikke er tilfældet.
Han konkluderer:
Under such circumstances, to push the enemy-the greatest Kufr- out of the country is a prime duty. No other duty after Belief is more important than the duty of had . Utmost effort should be made to prepare and instigate the Ummah against the enemy, the American-Israeli alliance- occupying the country of the two Holy Places and the route of the Apostle (Allah's Blessings and Salutations may be on him) to the Furthest Mosque (Al-Aqsa Mosque).Der er meget mere, men lad mig blot citere denne her:
Med andre ord er dette blot en anden variant, af Qaradawis, "hvorfor tale om offensiv jihad, når vi knap kan føre den defensive".
I say: Since the sons of the land of the two Holy Places feel and strongly believe that fighting (Jihad) against the Kuffar in every part of the world, is absolutely essential; then they would be even more enthusiastic, more powerful and larger in number upon fighting on their own land- the place of their births- defending the greatest of their sanctities, the noble Ka'ba (the Qiblah of all Muslims).
Jihad er stadig Jihad, inklusive den at underlægge hele verden Islam, så der kan blive "fred".
Osama har udtalt sig i mange andre sammenhænge, her følger en lang række citater om jihad, fra hans mund:
3 March 2004 Bin Laden tape:
"I say that the West's occupation of our country is old, yet new, and that the confrontation and conflict between us and them started centuries ago. The confrontation and conflict will continue because the conflict between right and falsehood will continue until Judgment Day.
Such a confrontation is good for both the countries and peoples. God says: "And did not Allah check one set of people by means of another, the earth would indeed be full of mischief." [part of Koranic verse] Those who interpret the Koran say that this verse means that had the believers not fought the infidels, the latter would have defeated the believers and the earth would have been corrupted by their ill deeds. So, pay attention to the importance of conflict.
The leader was Salah-al-Din, may God bestow his mercy on him, and the approach was Islam, whose peak is jihad in the cause of God. This is what we need today and should seek to do. Islamic countries in the past century were not liberated from the Crusaders' military occupation except through jihad in the cause of God."
Osama 12-11-02:
The Islamic nation, thanks to God, has started to attack you at the hands of its beloved sons, who pledged to God to continue jihad, as long as they are alive, through words and weapons to establish right and expose falsehood.
OBL gammelt interview med Fransk journalist fra før 1995:
"For us, the idea was not to get involved more than necessary in the fight against the Russians, which was the business of the Americans, but rather to show our solidarity with our Islamist brothers. I discovered that it was not enough to fight in Afghanistan, but that we had to fight on all fronts against communist or Western oppression. The urgent thing was communism, but the next target was America... This is an open war up to the end, until victory."
CNN Interview marts 1997:
We have declared jihad against the US, because in our religion it is our duty to make jihad so that God's word is the one exalted to the heights
John Miller Interview 1998:
The enmity between us and the Jews goes far back in time and is deep rooted. There is no question that war between the two of us is inevitable...
I am one of the servants of Allah and I obey his orders. Among those is the order to fight for the word of Allah
We are certain that we shall - with the grace of Allah - prevail over the Americans and over the Jews, as the Messenger of Allah promised us in an authentic prophetic tradition when He said the Hour of Resurrection shall not come before Muslims fight Jews and before Jews hide behind trees and behind rocks.
2001 Hamid Mir interview - November 9:
Bin Laden: I heard the speech of American President Bush yesterday (Oct 7). He was scaring the European countries that Osama wanted to attack with weapons of mass destruction. I wish to declare that if America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent.
Mir: Where did you get these weapons from?
Bin Laden: Go to the next question
Sidste her lidt off topic, men andre tilfangnetagne Al-qaida medlemmer har også nævnt besiddelsen og nævnt at Al Qaida også vil bruge våbenene hvis de trues på deres eksistens, hvilket måske er en del af forklaringen på, at man ikke har fanget toppen.
"We have done what God has ordered us to do. God called on us for 'jihad' and we complied. … We have hit the head of evil on their home soil. We fulfilled God's wish, and He gives us what he promised us, either victory or death as martyrs."
Al Qaida statement efter 9/11
Og slutteligt fra Osamas brev til Amerika, fra 2002:
As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?En kryptomarxist kan godt finde en Che Guevera i Osama, hvis han lukker øjnene godt og grundigt. Men man måler ikke bjerge med målebægre og verdenshave med centimetermål.
(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.
(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam is the religion of all the prophets, and makes no distinction between them - peace be upon them all.
It is to this religion that we call you; the seal of all the previous religions. It is the religion of Unification of God, sincerity, the best of manners, righteousness, mercy, honour, purity, and piety. It is the religion of showing kindness to others, establishing justice between them, granting them their rights, and defending the oppressed and the persecuted. It is the religion of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil with the hand, tongue and heart. It is the religion of Jihad in the way of Allah so that Allah's Word and religion reign Supreme. And it is the religion of unity and agreement on the obedience to Allah, and total equality between all people, without regarding their colour, sex, or language.
(b) It is the religion whose book - the Quran - will remained preserved and unchanged, after the other Divine books and messages have been changed. The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it.
(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.
(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.
We call you to all of this that you may be freed from that which you have become caught up in; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you are a great nation, that your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state to which you have reached.
(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind:
(i) You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator. You flee from the embarrassing question posed to you: How is it possible for Allah the Almighty to create His creation, grant them power over all the creatures and land, grant them all the amenities of life, and then deny them that which they are most in need of: knowledge of the laws which govern their lives?
Det kræver en særlig arrogance, at afvise at andre ikke har læst og forstået et emne, når det er en selv, som ikke har gjort det.
2 kommentarer:
Er der nogen, som tager Lars Raapilegård alvorligt længere - andre end Tøger, Agger og Rune???
Tak for din tålmodige gennemgang af stoffet. En ting er dog sikkert: Raapilegård læser det ikke.
Er han blevet syg? Jeg synes ikke, at vi har hørt noget fra ham i et godt stykke tid, og nu er jeg begyndt at blive urolig...
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